“Should I use a smock?”
That’s the question that went through my mind. Mind you, I don’t think I’ve worn a smock since the age of 6, and at the time the smock was my mom’s old button-down shirt worn backwards. Nevertheless, I was wondering if in fact I needed one.

Why do I need a smock?
Because I wanted to try my hand in water coloring, yep water coloring.
I haven’t tried water coloring since I was the age of 6, as well.
It’s been a long time since I’ve touched any kind of paint or paint brushes.
My grandma used to paint. I have several of her oil paintings around the house. I love seeing her artwork and being reminded of her and the beauty that she saw and captured with canvas and paint.
I’ve always wanted to paint.
But it’s a little intimidating.

When I think of a person who paints, I think of the following descriptors:
don’t mind making a mess in pursuit of painting
sees potential, NOT clutter and chaos
But this year I took on the resolution of drawing more…especially drawing things that capture my attention. I usually take a picture of the neat, beautiful, capture my imagination things in my life, but this year I have been trying to put the tech equipment down and pick up the creative ‘equipment’ instead (not to say tech isn’t creative). However, I notice that it takes me 30 seconds to take a picture of something that catches my attention, but sketching and drawing and (most recently) painting takes a lot more time.

Dedicated time.
Creative time.
Meditative time.
So I’m trying out water coloring.
Thus far, I didn’t need a smock.
Now if my daughter gets into painting spirit, smocks may be a requirement!