Today the planets aligned, the sun was shining, the child was at school, and I had the morning off… and thus the time came to pass that spring cleaning could commence.
The last few weeks I have looked around the house, and had a nagging sense that I had to DO something. Change something.
You see the Teichmann household is a busy place from December 1 onward. It’s usually around Thanksgiving weekend that we have some allocated time to decorate for Christmas and get a few moments through December to find a tree, cut the tree, set up the tree and decorate said tree.
Then comes Christmas.
And a 5-year old’s birthday,
and the new year,
and the first meetings of the new year,
and other birthdays,
and more meetings,
and usually some unexpected life-event,
and lots of weather and darkened days that makes you not want to clean (or DO) ANYTHING!
But since the time change a few weeks ago I have felt the call. The Spring cleaning call.
And knew that this morning it was time.

Now as we took down the last of the winter decorations and vacuumed up the pine needles (some from outside…and some still lingering from the Christmas tree), I found myself asking the question,
Do I dust?

Because if I start to dust, then this whole spring cleaning thing was getting serious.
And dust. Come on dust.
There is so much of you!
And I know that no matter how well I dust today, you are going to be back tomorrow!
Particles that remind me of my own mortality. Dead skin, from me, shed by me, adding to the fibers, food particles, and outdoor dirt all coming together to mark the passage of time.
Oh and all coming together to make my eyes water and nose run.
But after I was done, with all the dust gone, it felt pretty good to have things clean.
It felt so good that maybe (just maybe) we’ll clean the windows.