I write this blog a week into social distancing, canceled events, and canceled school. Talking with many this week, there’ve been a lot of strange moments.
But some beautiful moments too.
I want to highlight one of those moments.

Mo Willems, author and illustrator of such books as Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, has been teaching kids how to doodle on weekdays at 1pm. This time is a precious time of creativity, imagination, and interaction.
And my daughter looks forward to each episode. Thanks Mo Willems for creating a moment of beauty.
Watching my daughter create and interact in the midst of abnormal times is a beautiful thing. It created a moment for me too…where I got a chance to create with my water color pens.

I hope to share more moments of beauty and peace. How about you? What kind of moments of peace, joy, beauty can you experience at this time? Want to share them?